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Daily Life (The Hottest Hits)

Writer's picture: Mark SimendingerMark Simendinger

Updated: Nov 4, 2019

What's up?

People are watching now but who was I when no one was watching.

I feel more connected to Eric than ever before.

My body language represents how I feel but not always the truth because what I feel is not always the truth.

I could go under a lie detector test and everything would come out as truth.

Tesla is loveless. He viewed everything scientifically and that's what he did wrong. Not everything can be solved with science like hate, being social, and marrying.

Humble is confident. Ego is low self-esteem.

I always have loved my family. I get mad but all families do.

I see the same personality traits in everyone in the world. Let love transform you into the connection with everyone in the world.

I have things in common with everyone in the world

The people in dreams are real people you'd see in real life.

who is Bernie without the political agenda. I couldn't find any quotes. He is a good intentioned, honest, and trusted. Other political affiliates seem to have alternative motives.

Is the problem socialism in Venezuela or is it from an uncharacterized dictatorship.

I think my posts are socialist because it's free and it's seemed to help.

We are in a climate change crisis with 1 million species expected to go extinct and 20% of the world's oxygen is on fire, but people are more concerned about money.

I don't have a political education but I know a lot about leadership.

Socioeconomics is nothing. We have made-up beliefs of power. Every person is created equal and through realization we see we are equally as powerful as anyone else.

Einstein got the Nobel Peace Prize and invented the atom bomb.

The Nobel Peace Prize is awarded for the advancement in sciences which isn't even equivalent to peace. The real award for peace is peace itself.

Tupac carries a strong message. I want people to feel like he's talking still in the present, but It's completely different to what I would say and the reality.

I have the ability to talk about anything I want to without fear which is incredibly hard.

Anxiety does crazy things to the brain but all my ideas were right.

I think my Youtube is glitched because more people must see it.

I highly recommend everybody use ecosia as a search engine because for every 45 searches it plants a tree. I've had 5000 searches so I've planted over 110 trees.

Jeff bought me World War Z and it's giving me confidence that I'd survive the zombie apocolypse.

People are drawn to negativity. Negativity captures the most attention.

To resolve all negativity in the world you have to resolve the need for attention.

I almost had a triple collateral in mw3. I got 2 and the third guy was a step away.

A lot of people make the mistake of not turning up the bass setting in their car.

Forza 6 is dope. I already made a huge profit.

Bmx is becoming my favorite thing to do. I can hit everything now and do every trick. I'm thinking about hitting the down-rail on a crankarm grind.

Many people have a hard time expressing love. A parental figure is someone who teaches you how to express emotions. Share your love with the world. Practice on me if you must. It is safe.

Its kind of annoyin that grammarly does never work on this website so I am don't sound as sophisticated.

Sometimes friendship doesn't last forever but that's okay. Having friends in the moment is all you need.

I am so touched that people support me when I fall. I don't really care if people support my ambitions.

I think people finally understand me which means no one judges me.

I have never hated anyone.

okay guys brb I'm off to play some halo

"when you contribute yourself from freedom of the depths of trying to make money and pursue yourself to something larger than yourself do you reach your full potential." Obama

There's something deep inside me that lets me keep my innocence. I've seen the world for what it is and yet I just bring myself to believe something deeper is masking it.

Part of the problem of racism is people don't accept that they are racist. People think I'm a good person so how could I be racist? Acknowledging that oneself is racist is the first step to ending it.

This quote has been stuck in my head for years.

I actually do have a lot of commonalities with Beyonce. Not so much her music but who she is.

Shakira says her music a reflection of her as an artist but not so much of her as a person. With Shakira I'm connected to everything.

I'm not royal.

Nothing of what I post is even important I just realized. My knowledge skills and what not aren't changing people. People completely change their behavior and are kind to me because they love me. People are in love with me.

I'm probably not stable enough to be president. I could do it but it would be unhealthy for me.

My youtube channel is definitely glitched.

People always miss me which is why everything i post is read by so many people. If I stopped posting ever again people would be hurt.

President is a 24/7 job even when you're running.

Even if you know me. Even if you understand me. You don't know what it's like.

Everyone loves me and my friends who grew up with me are completely shocked because I was the kid in school who never swore. The kid who wouldn't jump in puddles at school and now I've grown an edge. Secretly i always had it.

If I were to reach my full potential I'd get 5 majors just like the so many sports I play, but we all know this is America where it costs more to be educated than have somewhere to sleep.

South Park jokes about racism and anti-semitism because it gains the most attention. It gains negativity from some people which brings the most attention to it.

Sometimes you only get one opportunity and you have to grab it like triple backflip.

Is this why I'm alluring?

You can find life skills online, but if you want to dwell and make something of it you have to go out into the world

It is my obligation to help Kanga Coolers become the number 1 product ever invented. Soon we will take over the world because if your alcohol isn't cold and Kangaroos aren't doing backflips in front of television then there is no meaning to existence.

But she's wrong. It's how you present yourself and show it.

True love doesn't matter how much you have in common. It's how you communicate and listen to each other is the biggest factor and everything else just follows through.

I am being sexualized by the media and just know I am not behind this.

I don't feel lust. I feel love.

People don't really care about what I write individually. What really captures the attention is how I make them feel. Most of everything I write is forgotten but not the feelings people have for me.

I have so much more influence than I ever realized. We all do.

I can come up to a solution to every world problem and the only difference in total world peace is applying it.

So many love letters. It's more than just what is presented. It's merging of two people. It's a reflection of not just me but the gurl too. It's vulnerability and art. It's peace and heaven. It's the soul singing and touches me on my soul. It's being 100% selfless. It's flattering. It's understanding and it's happiness.

A lot of people are asking and I'm doing great.

We're used to seeing people always post their best picture. I wanted to show the world my unflattering way I can look. True expression of yourself is the best beauty.

I think there's a stage past the scorpio phoenix for scorpio is only a water sign and I'm using my soul.

I feel my halo with every idea.

Einstein is smart and most people don't even understand anything of what he did.


Eric = Mark's companion

I always feel like things are personalized towards me but usually they're not. Other people do too from time to time and I was taught to always assume it's not. Everyone may experience paranoia too. We're concerned what others think of us is a normal state of mind but it only matters what's on the inside. Paranoia is never correct because people don't consistently think of others that much. They would only do so as a comparison for to their own self. People are self-interested.

I was mainly triggered from other people worrying about me like hmm maybe something is wrong, but nope. Everything is always fine.

When I get scared I shift my thoughts towards the love people have towards me and that always makes me feel safe.

Typically it's given for selfless acts of heroism way way way beyond what is required where you put yourself in danger of the enemy lines to save many more troops, and it's given by the president.

You can get a silver star for being a nurse tending to veterans.

I think I've gone through something much harder than war.

Here's an old picture but my eyes are green.

I have watering eyes and a smile that lights up the world that allows people to look right into my soul.

People are so emotionally connected to me. How I feel from someone will reflect how they feel.

I'm having a lot of fun.

I had a lokai bracelet but I don't know where it went. I decided I didn't need it anymore, but now I'm trying to find it.

I think I could be considered a citizen to every country. I am the citizen of the world.

I feel so happy. This is the face of someone who accomplished everything. Now I know why I was so happy when I was 14.

I have passion for life. Like a flame burning inside me which leads me to post a million exclamation points !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

People used to think I was really mellow.

People are being nice and trying to take care of me. Kk.

Tbh I think I lost the state of nirvana. I really wanted that gopro.

Using this website definitely won't get as much attention as the other websites, but I'm having fun. Could I even handle 100k subscribers on YouTube? Probably not, but I'm going for it.

I'm watching the office on netflix for the first time and it's totally my sense of humor. You could mistakenly think I was the director.

I need to work on my confidence. You can accomplish so much more with confidence. It's freedom to do whatever you want.

I don't like loud sounds. It makes me feel unsettled.

People get the wrong impression of Lady Gaga but if you watch interviews of her she is amazing.

People carry hatred over 9/11. It's hard to forgive such a travesty. Even our president at the time acted out in fear. It is so devastating that it impacts so many lives forever. However, we have seen the kindness and respect of everyone years later which shows that we are stronger and not defined by terrorism.

It's the opposite for me

We're opposites

This is illuminati. They hold the power of the destruction of the human race. In the end no one wins You can pretend to be oblivious to everything until it's too late because you don't think. You have no logical skills. You're retarded.

Politics is a science. We cannot make comparisons because there are also comparisons that point in the opposite direction. It is completely different if you think about the so many other things in the world that are free.

We are so influenced by the media but if you look closely and independently you'll see these people have really bad character.

Why isn't there a holiday to remember all the brave Jews who stayed loyal to their beliefs and own self despite oppression during the Holocaust? That is a much longer scale of terrorism.

It's not too hard to believe that a person like Hitler exists, but it's hard to understand how he got away with it and how so many people supported him. Just brainwashed.

People don't know what it means to be a good person. They think it's social norms but no it's innate feelings like guilt.

What do you think? Should I get a fedora?

Lokai bracelets not only donate money to charity but also bring awareness to problems. I couldn't find what one this brings awareness to, but I'm going to say the Earth. I want when people see me and cheer for me that they also cheer for the larger sum of things I stand for. I don't want to be just a people are nice to; I want to represent more.

Green for the environment. Blue for the water. White for the atmosphere. And Mount Everest and the Dead Sea for the whole range of the world.

The one I had before represented water.

The clothes I wear comes solely from snowboarding. You may think it's skateboarding, but no it's all snowboarding clothes. Skater clothes is punkstyle. I wear baggy.

I have not failed. I have just found a million ways that don't work.

Confidence is all about energy and it can be mimicked from other people's energy. How powerful can other people drastically influence another person's confidence.

Camo is the best style. That's bmx clothes and so is the fedora.

Comedians are unhappy people disguising harassment in humor to influence people who aren't funny to think it's okay so it comes out as blatant crime.

For every 45 posts a new tree is planted.

I endorse these lokai bracelets. For every one bought a new tree is planted in the amazon forest which someone set on fire for money.

I don't understand how Russia could be so smart to figure out how to rig the election but not realize that will lead to catastrophes of the whole world.

My english is like maybe at probably a 9th grade lvl.

I'd be an astonishing actor if I could control how I feel.

Merry Christmas

Most people have phones that record in this high quality, but I don't compare myself to them.

It doesn't have a protective case and I've seen a lot break so I had to buy that as well.

Zidane could have won it all if he didn't headbutt. He would have been one of the best. Now that's what people iconically remember him for.

You attract what you talk and think about. It's almost magic or is it really just a connection to everyone.

What if everyone thought of peace? What do you think would happen...

We've been doing everything wrong. If we make everyone healthy our thoughts will change and we will achieve so many great things.

Suddenly, I have just become really happy.

I asked a million people and they said they see my instagram

I cause so much drama. People need to just chill out.

Good advice is to do what you have to do.

Most geniuses can't figure out marriage. How in the world can anyone else? because it's simple.

Leave a good impression on a celebrity and you can become famous too.

I realize dreams completely aren't reality but now reality is way better than dreams.

This is Elizabeth! She's very nice!

I finally feel really good and can tell it's going to be a permanent thing.

It's better for me to block people and forgive them on my own then to mistakenly expect to wait for an apology that never comes.

Did you know an apology releases the person from guilt.

How did Hillary and Trump become our two nominees? They both cheated. It shows Bernie would have won.

I don't think I ever experience hate. I feel fear instead.

Suicide is so irrational. When you actually witness it, I just think that didn't solve anything at all.

If you start juuling you can kiss goodbye to your sports dreams.

consumerism buys into all our wants, but peace is being happy with what you have.

When I feel really happy I feel like kissing everyone.

like a tingling magnet in my lips form and make me do it.

Yeah it happened around 8pm yesterday too. I think what I'm feeling is other people's love for me. This s when people start thinking about me.

The lokai bracelet is actually really helping me.

It's weird. Why am I happy? I haven't done anything. Just living simply.

I want people to know that donating is very selfless, but don't go overboard that you can't pay your bills. It's really the government's responsibility to stop world problems.

Let my love fulfill everyone's confidence.

People look at me because they like me or care/concerned about me.

I retrained myself to get back into nirvana. I didn't know what the point was and tried to make myself want things again. It's a lot more peaceful now, and I see the difference.

It's inevitable to get hurt in a relationship, but you learn a lot. If you don't want to get hurt then don't have a relationship.

The world revolves around our perspective. There's many things we don't see. What if we all saw through each others' eyes?

happy happy happy happy

The office on netflix is literally me. Those pranks are what I did in high school.

I don't know what I'm feeling. I just feel loved by millions of people. That eliminates all my fear.

For the past week I've received love messages from many different celebrities and it's like I don't just feel their love but feel their whole fanbase too.

I receive love letters in my dm every day

I'm emotionally intense, mood disordered empath so I'm totally off the walls and I think people like that about me. People like to take care of me.

The more time people invest in me and everything I write they will automatically fall deeper in love pretty much no matter what I write. Eventually people will become extremely drawn to me no matter how hard they try not to.

My ex is happy and that's a relief.

Youtube kinda sucks now because you have to watch a 10 minute vlog just to watch one el toro trick.

I also like singers. I think actresses are funny; I have to constantly remind myself they're a different person and to not say something weird based off their role.

Good work people. Now I've gotten flirted with with a girl from every country in the world. I'd say we've achieved world peace. And my heart sinks because I am so flattered ! 😀

She changed it from an orange butterfly to a blue one and liked 6 of my posts.

The people you're around greatly influences you and you sort of become like them with their characteristics and inspiration to reach success.

sexual harassment is common in the acting showbiz. I am a hero.

The thing about acting is it's secretly really funny. You don't see the bloopers

I feel so mellowed out from your lov.......zzzzzzzz

Am I technically an actor? No because I really am cool.

female empowerment leads to male empowerment.

orange eyes

I can read spanish and french pretty well but I'm not so good at speaking in it.

People call me a stud. When you think of a stud you think of someone cool. All it is, is I'm easy to love.

I do have a lot in common with celebrities. Most are total sweethearts, which can be a little different from regular Joes sometimes. Regular people you have to know first to see what's comfortable, but celebrities we have no boundaries with each other.

I didn't really like twitter too much after-while. It made me feel like posting every thought.

99% of people are good people. Sometimes people make one mistake and are judged for it for a long time.

hey, guess what?

I'm exultant.

Patricia de leon is single... hm hm hm.

well it's really nerve wracking to date someone that famous only because rumors could spread about me. That's my only concern.

I don't have jealousy which is why actresses like me because they do romantic movie scenes.

I love this 7 chakra bracelet. Brings serenity.

The biggest ice-breaker is being latina for some reason.

If you get tattoos then you can't give blood.

I think death has become minimized. It's harder to deal with a loss when it's viewed less significantly. Grief never ends and neither should our tributes.

A smile decompresses tension.

Btw lele pons is an amazing person. She worked with president obama to make vines to get money for charity.

Everyone is nice to me and that's their apology. The best apology is when the behavior changes.

I had dreams in the past of getting into fights and it was one of the nastiest feelings I ever felt. In the dream I was like I don't want to do this but I literally have no other choice. I woke up feeling all this adrenaline but it was negative adrenaline and I cried.

Gracias amigos. J'accomplishe de desire toute la monde..

My style of clothing is changing.

I'm becoming a larger whole and representing my beliefs through my clothing

People know too much about me and they like it a little bit too much.

It takes me awhile to get comfortable with people. I read people's body language to see if I can joke around with someone.

People look me up after seeing me. I think it comes from physical attraction.

If desire is an illusionary feeling, then maybe everything else is too.

I don't know how no one comes up to me. Let's be friends :)

I'm sooooo funny when I'm in love. It's almost embarrassing because how personal I get yet you'll die laughing for the rest of your life.

I can predict the future.

I predicted Spain would win the world cup in 2010 from the very beginning

I wish we could choose where our tax money could go to. I'd start working non-stop.

Live your life no matter how you feel. Get in the habit.

I love you all

What do people think of jewelry on guys?

I wish everyone peace and joy. :) Today do something nice for someone.

bling bling

I feel like everyone is disconnected from each other. People are so focused on themselves. Because if it's not on your facebook feed then apparently it's none of your business. No the real world doesn't work like that.

The best feeling is when you're vulnerable and get comforted. The worst feeling is when you're vulnerable and get hurt.

It actually seems like people are changing which it's basically impossible to change people. They said it was impossible to change the world but it seems like I've done something.

My instagirl models sent me compAssion and now I can definitely forgive. That's all it takes. Everyone just seems emotionless and disconnected.

only speak of what you wish to bring into the world.

Everybody should try:

I'm trying to never put anyone down. When I get mad I try to be like this is how I feel rather than this is how you made me feel.

I'm viewed as a precious national treasure. We are caring less about materialistic statues and old buildings and more focused on the treasures of each other.

I had a dream Queen Elizabeth II taught me how to wear royal clothes. It was so much fun.

The Highness showed me what to do with the handkerchief

There's nothing as peaceful as forgiveness. If all decisions are based on forgiveness there would be no chaos.

The problem is others don't forgive themselves so their old habits don't change. They strike out based on their own guilt because that's how their guilt makes them feel. If they feel they can get away with injustice then they carry this awful feeling thinking it's okay because it's how they feel.

The world is evil not because of people standing up but because of people's inability to change.

People can only change through feeling.

A lot of people believe climate change is real, but they don't believe people are adding to it. We need to be part of the solution whether or not you think we're causing it because it is a threat to our life and habitat.

I think subliminal work better than binaural

We got to get these talented celebrities off drugs so they don't die from an overdose before sharing their full gifts with the world.

law of attraction is very powerful. You'd be surprised just how much you can bring into your life. I attract people 10000 miles away into my life through thoughts.

I trust too much but it's not the most precious thing to give away. If i trust the wrong people then it's not much of a gift.

I'm starting to become highly mellow like my old self now that I finally have started to feel safe.

By saying Bernie won't win or he will is called a self-fulling prophecy and makes it more likely to happen. Similarly by denying or affirming events we bring them into our life. Much more you can control your future and people by choosing your words to towards what you want and not what you don't want.

I review my old ideas and a lot are wrong but I'm focusing on new things. Theories are valuable anyway.

movies portray romance in a way that people fantasize into their own life but it does many things wrong that you wouldn't want.

my ego is now diminished to point where I don't have a perspective. I only see myself through other people's eyes.

The problem with my relationships is I know exactly the steps as the receiver, but when I pursue the girl doesn't know what to do.

people are more concerned with the prestige of their clothes than the content of what it's in it.

I can make you addicted to your phone. I can make you addicted to me. I can make you addicted to pursue your life instead.

My anxiety is my "disability." I never considered myself disabled though. I mean I can do everything you can do but better.

People only listen to authority and whoever has the highest power. But they don't know the whole story.

tbh I'm not any more smart than anyone else.

Maybe I think differently because of my character. I do what others would never think to do.

It's a weird age when America makes fun of a 16-year old girl through the privacy of their phone.

Now that I'm 21 people listen to my advice.

My Youtube isn't that important but wouldn't it be cool to see Messi do comical skits. It's like you see me here and everywhere.

People think of me everyday for the past 4 years.

I never have to ask for people's numbers because they all read this.

It's best for me to use empathy when I'm calm, so then I know I'm feeling someone else's feelings rather than my own. It is spectacular and genius to take insanity and reason with it to the truth of sanity.

It's very hard to become famous because most people are used to their own entertainment and don't actively seek out new ones.

I don't really have to ask for peoples' numbers because I can communicate with everyone here.

I think when you spend all this time with people you don't really have to ask for their number because it's like in person you already have their number. What's the point in asking for their number when you already have them right in front of you to talk to.

People watched the new south park episode and comment saying whether it was funny or not funny. I think there's more to it than that.

People hate people they don't even know. That's mental illness.

I forgave everyone. I just tried so hard. I said this is wrong in every single possible way; no matter how hard I try I just can't get over it. So I said screw it; I actively let go and erased my memory.

I'm sick but I'm starting to feel better.

Eric was definitely my biggest fan and that's saying a lot.

I feel bad about all the drama I caused. It's not my fault at all, but I finally have a step in reality. I had so many powerful emotions that changed how I saw the world. I had no sense of what was going on around me.

So many people have mental illness. We judge people but have no idea what they're going through. We can't understand many things about people because they're sick.

The world of people are all extremely nice. People get triggered and that's the only reason for the partial amounts of meanness.

I was the one to break up with a celebrity.

In movies you see awkward encounters between a girl and a boy joked about but they're actors. No one cares about the awkwardness, after the scene is over they're joking and high-fiving each other.

What do people really think of me? Warrior. Somehow stays optimistic all the time. Then people think if I can be optimistic through it all, then what other people think is they also should be optimistic and nice around me.

People like people when they learn the reasons for why people act certain ways. People like people who let them talk about themselves (i.e. I don't talk that much).

Sometimes when I'm mad I also have to be the calm one, like why are you mad?

I feel sorry for myself. I've been too mad and not happy enough.

I've shared a lot of personal info but wow people are so nice and caring. It's not even vulnerable anymore it's like this is an awesome part of me that people can become intimately connected to.

The problem with saying Tupac is still alive is that it keeps people in the denial stage of grief.

I'm still sick.

I think I may have offended some people and I'm just lucky I'm finally okay after what they did.

I feel so chilled out. I'm laughing a lot. And my sickness is going away.

I'm still really toned a year later from my soccer investment. My BMI says I'm overweight but muscle weighs more than fat and I have a 6 pack still a year later. I'm sick and dieting and I haven't lost any weight. I hit the gym once and lift as much weight as the regulars there. I do triple flips after not being in practice for years. I am thinking about bunnyhopping bmx that 4 feet up at the skate park. I still can do my 100 sit ups and 100 bicycle kicks that I would do on a daily. I still can do my 10 pull ups in a row. I'm strong.

Getting rejected doesn't even hurt but some come up with some pretty evil ways.

What's the point in making me mad anymore. Just to come back stronger everytime.

I think I get mad because I re-feel things (emotional intensity) and when past memories pop-up into my head I re-feel it despite already getting over it.

I can only look forward now.

I don't like getting mad in person. Usually I can put myself in the other person's shoes and say nothing is wrong. I'm too nice. You don't have to listen to me vent here.

I feel really really great and healthy. A couple times this break I have felt like two dark clouds have left me.

I hate all the new slang words. I don't know what kids are saying half the time.

My Great Aunt is the first women to become a Lieutenant for the military. She will get to talk with the Queen for 30 minutes.

I'm dog sitting. $$$

I figured out how to send videos via bluetooth from my phone to computer and vice versa. I also realized I can upload personal videos and not just YouTube ones.

This is my desktop background ^ and it's absolutely beautiful

This is also very gleaming

This is curving the ball from under it.

I can do a knuckle ball, dead ball, finesse shot, chip, swaz tekkers, trivela, wippage, and rabona.

Bernie will give me a nobel peace prize if he becomes president.

My great Aunt says it's good that Trump spoke to other countries to stop a battle, but her son despises Trump everyday. My great Aunt is humble and nice and does a lot of charity work.

I'm going down to my Grandma's condo in Florida, Key West for the Christmas break with Aunt Ginger.

My eyes are blue on the outside.

blue eyes is a recessive trait

Gray eyes


The more you give the more you get. If you're trying to make a career, the more you give to people, the more you'll get back and succeed.

It's a lot harder to write a book than to blog.

My next video is going to say "if you're watching this it's too late."

Thumbnail: doomsday.

I want to do a video called "you know too much." and I pretend to be an alien and the video is me commentating playing alien hominid.

I was really selfless in high school. Like I said I'll be okay eventually 5 years from now but I have to help these people who can't take care of themselves.

High school is a good example of why you don't ignore your problems because they build-up. End it with simple easy closure rather than putting gas on a flame.

I wouldn't even have a disability if a teacher listened to me.

Everyone who subscribes to my Youtube I'll sub back.

This person watched my story. Instagram is a good way to make affiliations.

I can't read everyone's mind. Only people I'm really connected too. Sometimes it's just myself saying this is what people should do for me.

Rest in Peace. People are watching me because butterflies are following me.

Blue to purple complexion

Everyone else's social media is calm and then you get to me and you see I'm burning with intensity and passion.

HI I'm Lele Pons I make mean songs about my ex in front of hundreds of millions of people. That's not scary for new romances or anything ;)

The office is making me become "animated." I'm becoming less shy and people are being social to me for my openness.

I think my audience is dying down now that I'm not crazy anymore and on a less dramatic social media website. Now people just want to hang out rather than see me on social media.

fuck high school. That school drove me crazy multiple times. The real world doesn't work by being trapped in some damn school having to deal with other people's bullshit. I didn't want to have to deal with all these children's bullshit. The real world you aren't trapped and forced to go back. The real world you can just leave. Trying to get help from that school made my problems worse. I think I was the only rational one there. I only have just barely started to feel safe driving by that school now.

Maybe Teachers's putting words in my mouth and spreading rumors about me wasn't that bad except it put me in even more danger, and somehow completely disregarded anything I say further. No one even thought anything of it in my family but somehow random people heard and were mean to me for absolutely nonsense.

I feel amazing. I definitely still shouldn't be mad, but if something is wrong then I should say so.

I like how with the internet people who have a lot in common with me can easily find me and we can connect.

In a general area or culture people are basically similar but online you can find girls who are die hard halo fans or have a completely unique personality that is very hard to find.

South America is my favorite continent. We're on the same land and great friends. Racist people want to exile them without knowing anything about them besides their heritage.

I have dentist appointment tomorrow which means I get to see my babe.

My eyes are gleaming every picture. I think it's permanent as long as I feel in control.

My eyes are turning green. It's about 50% of the time.

Anxiety really fucked with my confidence. Now I'm on harder drugs and confident. It's making me more active too.

I feel amazing right now.

Your love is turning my eyes green!

I had some really weird prophetic dreams. One dream said my gaming headset was broken and I looked it I just noticed it was for the first time. I had dream of my ex playing basketball and that was really weird.

My name is no longer Mark. It's Mark followed by a term of endearment because that's what 100% of people call me.

This is hilarious because I finally remembered who I was parodying.

Tupac is the only real legend. Ronaldinho just plays soccer, and Stephan Hawking's ideas will eventually be outdated.

Relationships are bullshit. I make my own rules. You can be my girlfriend. We can talk everyday and do what we want. There's not much more to it. I basically already have many girlfriends.

No offense to the people who I don't respond to their DMs. I do read them I just have no idea what to say, especially when it's in Chinese.

People do whatever I ask. I don't ask for much.

Something inside me is changing. Eyes are the window to the soul. The past is gone and now I'm beautiful.

I'm a very hard-worker. It's kind of a shame the only jobs available are non-specific, not trained burger patty flipping.

Someone wrote something nice encoded on my binder. As a chief detective, if it's true it would be someone I already know very well and also in my class. Or it could have been there since 6th grade and I never noticed.

I don't know how people didn't read my body language in high school.

I'm not still mad but the school punished me for doing the right thing.

What I had envisioned would happen is exactly what did happen if it got to be too bad.

I still have a lot of grief over the people I'll never see again, well the ones who mattered.

Some dreams are really real. I used to use dreams to come up with new ideas and fix my problems. Soon I began to make every dream come true so I could always rely on the advice.

all comments I've ever received on my instagram are positive. Therefore, bmx is the best sport.

I still had a lot of problems at CCV but I was still really happy. Now I've been taking baby steps over all my problems, and soon I will be more happy than ever before.

I want to cuddle but it's really intimate so someone has to put me as ease and comfortable to break that barrier but also not try to push for more already.

It's nice to see me happy, they say. I am happy. Please no one screw me over again and I always will be.

Everything seems to be slowing down. I'm breathing slower for some reason. Nothing is chaotic.

When people look me in the eyes they see what I feel. I can put emotions in people at my will and attract or repel people just by looking at them.

I have a nice voice. I'm very fluent. Never stutter. I speak well.

I think deep down people miss me. Humanistically, it makes more sense than what was left and not said.

Toute la monde mami

Grandma bought me second class airplane seats where they serve alcoholic beverages in the back ;) for my trip to Key West.

I must be a captivating writer for everyone to read what I write.

3 years ago I was trying to gain weight. Now that I've gained enough weight I had to stop. I thought about it, and it doesn't make sense for someone like me to be overweight so I thought what am I doing differently. So I started eating more slowly and I noticed it keeps me more full for a longer time period and easier to digest. I lose weight everyday and I weigh 165lbs right now which is not overweight.

This is my new desktop background.

I'm happy. The exact subliminal I needed.

Hi Lele.

I knew you were still texting me.

I told you natural looks better than photoshop. It shows the magnificence of who you were born to be.

Your name always appears on my suggested because you look me up constantly.

Idk what I'm suppose to think. I couldn't pass your tests.

There shouldn't be tests. I wasn't sure of your real intentions and didn't understand what you were doing. It should be about making the other person feel good and not finding their triggers. You made a video asking an unknown person if they were single and it was hard to tell what you meant with him and then with me.

It sounded like you were making a mean song about me since you made a story of pursuing someone else, so I must have been your ex, and that just terrified me so I fled. That's how all my friends interpreted it too.

People haven't seen me truly happy in awhile

No photoshop. People can fall in love with my soul and not a picture.

I had no idea you had such feelings for me.

You have so many videos of pranks on your exes that it's scary to put myself back in this situation and explain.

I do have excellent memories with all my exes despite things changing. I showed respect to some really disrespectful exes and tried helping them. You wouldn't want to date someone who you wouldn't want to be their ex.

I weigh 155lbs now.

I got cat called and I'm shy. The goal should be to get me to open up.

I've tried doing the exact same thing with the love of my life on a potential girl but none soothe my vulnerability as well. It's like it was grasped permanently and loved forever and with it I never have fear.

I came up with one idea. I should have come up with a million to receive this honor. This pays $20,000 to get to the end of the haunted house, and I could do it. They stab you, drug you, pull out your teeth, and you can die.

People got protective over me after I posted that.

I had a dream of Dwight and Kevin Malone. Dwight's said there's no way you can backflip that 10 foot ledge. So then of course I did. Then Kevin comes in he says that's average. He's I've got to get the double backflip. Yeah.

I convinced my family to celebrate my birthday on Nov. 3 so I could get my gifts early.

My emotions can be seemingly irrational like celebrating my birthday now.

Everything is returning back to normal except now I'm a public figure.

South Park comes with as much content in a week as I have throughout my social media life cycle.

Lele helped me a lot through what I was going through.

I felt her get really possessive after I posted this

I heard her telepathically saying I'll kill you if you cheat.

I'm like okay it's 5am you're keeping me up.

I am scene.*

Happy Birthday. Today's been great. I turn 22 on 11/11. That's a pretty big birthday because 11+11 = 22.

I have special connection with animals. We feel each others psych.

I used to think talking to a soulmate would have this electrical click in my head, but it's basically like talking to anyone else. I mean it's fun. It's just deciding to open up and letting them capture your heart.

We are as successful as our imagination takes us. It's used to determine what job we want, what sports we like (as well as how we play), picturing what we're reading, and everything new.

My BMI is greater than 25 and I'm in the best shape of my life. It is an obsolete medical measurement because it doesn't factor in muscle which weighs more than fat.

I told Eric I suck at picking out the right girl. Why don't you find me a good girl since you can see their true colors. :)

When the relationship started, I went to the gym and everyone turned their heads at me and smirked. I think some people were laughing.

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