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Updated: May 20, 2020

I want to redefine medicine and what it has been. We've been limiting treatment to pills and shots but drugs don't nurture the pain. Medicine only provides chemicals that keep you stable but really the brain and bloodstream need to be nurtured rather than suppressed.

Nursing is hard, but a different kind of hard that I'm not used to. I do hard things everyday. After failure I wondered if it was the right profession for me. I looked inward and said absolutely. I promote wellness in every single way imaginable besides medicine because I don't know anything about medicine. This is the last step and I will be able to heal people in every way possible.

Edison is kind of right, except it may not be with nutrition, but rather a completely different form of medicine.

Love is very healing.

I have the grades to get into uvm and vtc.

Am weird but I'd like to retake my SAT for the fun of it.

College is going to charge me $20k for the same class just to change my answer by 2 points?

I feel like nursing school tries to weed out the weaker students by being extremely harsh, but that's not really how nursing is supposed to be. It's supposed to be care and trying to get us to do our best. Not put us down. I feel like the real life setting is completely different to what's in school. I also feel like I'm not being validly listened too. I could have got a doctor's note saying it was too stressful a situation, but I don't think it would have made a difference.

I've been so exhausted from the accelerated program. I woke up at 5pm yesterday.

I did amazing in that class considering I couldn't think straight throughout the whole semester. I would have passed too if I just didn't rush doing the brochure at 3am right before I had to drive to class moments later.

I passed that class because my valid extremely personal excuse wasn't believed and minimized. My doctor says it's not really her business to be disclosed that information, and that as a doctor she doesn't have to write all the details to a teacher.

Some define intelligence as the ability to learn. I'd say if someone can't learn then that's just ignorance. I think intelligence is thinking your own way that works for you. Thinking creatively and forming new ideas. Critical thinking is using your knowledge to figure out the best way to approach a scenario. That's somewhat intelligence except it's just understanding concepts. All you have to do to do well in school is understand.

I've been sick for a full week without much improvement, and I went to urgent care and they were closed on the weekends. So I listened to this and miraculously feel better.

My nursing confidence is still a little down after that class. Confidence in nursing is important because if we aren't sure about treatment plans and diagnoses then the patient won't be either.

I'm ready to take more classes. Too bad we have to stick to a schedule on semesters.

I still had the evil eye during the summer. It was everywhere, in my car, in my house, in my backyard. It was driving me crazy. Dem bitches cost me so much money. I had to look up online rituals to get rid of evil deities.

I think my condition is agoraphobia. I listened to subliminal awhile ago and now I've really confident. If it's just fear I'm scared of then there's nothing to be scared of.

The nursing program transforms my etiquette. I have to be early to everything and dressed well. I have to refer to teachers formally. I have to always think about others first. I have to be attentive and advocate for myself and others.

As soon as I started doing clinical my test scores dropped. It was just too much stress. I wish I stopped doing the summer program once the second half of classes started.

My favorite part of nursing is the transformation. For example, I don't get queazy about needles anymore.

Despite it all, I'm really zestful about taking nursing classes next semester, and I'm especially having to do clinical again. I just wish it didn't cost so much.

I didn't realize how big of a responsibility nursing was when I first signed up. I think I don't want to become a nurse practitioner because of the increased liability.

If I had my current healthy state of mind during the summer program my work would have been completely different. Even in the nursing field people don't understand mental illness.

The best part of nursing is the profoundly deep and caring connection I get to develop with my patients.

I think my teachers are vowing to help me get through this program no matter what.

Writing has helped me a lot in college. I used to be an extremely slow and non-comprehensible reader. Writing has made reading easier. I got the highest grade on my Touchstones Midterm.

I think I have had a bad habit in high school with putting the education into my short-term memory rather than my long-term memory. I need to continually branch and develop upon material.

My sister and cousin are nurses and I got to talk with them during Thanksgiving about their career.

In high school it got to the point where I was so overloaded that I couldn't even think at all. I couldn't even make funny videos. That's sort of what began to happen at the beginning of this fall semester but now I'm good.

Nursing school is no joke. When people say it's exhausting and stressful, it's completely true. It's not fair and it's very hard.

People would probably think that how graphic the nursing field can be would turn me away from my sensitive mind. I have adapted my mind into the field and none of it bothers me at all.

I could tell the teacher was mad at me during every review. I think it was from my twitter but a lot of what I said was quotes from other teachers. Other teachers say teachers shouldn't even be on my social media.

In physical therapy, they also use vibrations on an injured part of the body and that heals it tremendously quickly. So it must be similar to the effect of listening to binaural.

I am reviewing my notes and I have a lot of knowledge. The information doesn't necessarily have to apply only to nursing.

There is so much stigma against doctors and scientists. I hope as a nurse that patients understand that we are trying to help you. We are traveling back in time where people don't seek medical assistance (for example not getting vaccines) and I can testify that what we do does help a lot because I've been through it and used it.

CCV was awesome because I was allowed to redo assignments. This next semester I am allowed to redo everything.

I should have appealed because having a teacher who thinks I'm a cheating idiot also makes it harder to do well.

My great aunt says I should be a diplomatic nurse because I'm one of the most polite, empathetic and smart people she's ever met.

My doctor says I would be one of the best psychiatric nurses, and then look at like ummm seriously O.o

Packing up for nursing school has already put me into a panic. I think I would be a great nurse if I could manage my stress. Otherwise, I should switch majors as it's bad for my mental health. Grades are viewed as above all and over myself in Nursing. However, if I put myself first, then my grades will be much better.

Nursing school is like a 24/7 job. The problem is that sleep is one of the most important things for me to be able to be stable.

I am ready to be the best nurse humanly possible. I slept until 4pm and it's like I'm meditating where I got all the negativity out of me.

High school was like I just had to survive to the end. It was painful. Nursing school I go in and out of my dark place and battling my stability to make sure I don't go off the deep end because when I panic I cannot think at all. High school was still harder, but nursing school has been much harder than I originally thought.

Of course in nursing there is no room for error. In nursing school though it's okay to make mistakes, not get something, struggle, and take your time. Enforcing rules is important. Strictness should be over rules/etiquette and not on learning process because people may not get something at first and that's okay.

I'm having a hard time making friends because in nursing school they're all girls and it's like we should hang out but be friends.

I get nervous and my face goes blank and it's like i'm not even there. My mind is trying to escape my fears. My voice gets really soft like I'm trying not to be noticed and disappear into thin air. Everyone always checks on me when I have that infamous face. When I'm in that state it's pretty much impossible for me to think.

I could probably double major. Be an assistant to other nurses while being a counselor. Be a physical and mental health psychologist.

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