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Daily life 6

Updated: Aug 16, 2020

Does this make me evil? now we all see your sociopaths. You’re not gonna enjoy jail.

musicbykyra didn’t sell her soul

yeah Lele pons is abusive in her music but her ex literally tried to kill her. She’s not a bad person.

i know For a fact these professional athletes lied to me so something is really suspicious . I think we were just having fun.

i forgive shakira. But now we can’t be friends anymore

well it’s really clear you never loved me. I hope one day you can forgive me. You’re really scaring a lot of people at this point. okay good you stopped. i Forgive you and hope you enjoy your music.

kyra is the nicest girl I’ve ever met

☀️ actually is about you. I don’t think you watch my videos though

and I’m not dating you ever

i could end your career if I wanted to

the music is really sweet

sometimes I think I have god like qualities

I don’t know how to get shakira out of her hole. She’s a great person. I love her until the end of time. She wouldn’t be a nazi because I would be considered segregated and she loves me so much

Shakira still loves me after everything I’ve said

I really want to skateboard but can’t until November which is why you’re getting gaming Instagram clips

ive lost 10lbs

im back on tinder

I don’t even drink juices anymore. I drink water and milk and sometimes smoothies.

celebrities actually don’t support trump

celebrities really do love me

dax didn’t sell his soul. He’s definitely in tune with purpose

its not a real thing

ariana is a good person. You made a big mistake but I’m okay and you should be happy.

☀️ Actually was my intention to be about Ariana

I know shakira very well and she’s a good person. I know Emma Watson very well and she truly believes in equality because when I figured out the cause of sexual harassment she stopped wearing black.

i don’t care about any of my ideas. I just like to challenge myself thinking. I could be wrong about a lot of things

The Illuminati isn’t real because when I passed my ex she didn’t give me the evil eye

But daquan is threatening me but I know it’s all love.

Except for the majority of time when this is untrue

I joined the “Illuminati“

What’s the meaning behind the triangle though

Tesla is Illuminati

none of you can actually come legally close to me though so what’s it matter if I say it how it is.

You never should have fucked with me in the first place. You did this to yourself

I really do think you are good people but Illuminati isn’t real.

youre all doing illuminati highly uneffectively. you’ve provided proof

you realize that evil takes away your power which is why I have power over all of you

i don’t think there’s enough information to call Emma Watson a racist. I think a lot of it is good

im part of the Illuminati because I know everything but I don’t support it in any way

if you kill me your whole empire will get destroyed

still giving me the evil eye after that Statement is not a good look

well Shakira actually is a nazi then.

tom Felton wants me to go longboarding while I have a concussion

da queen sponsors terrorism

if you invented me then you are responsible for these threats. That’s the only thing you Invented between us

lele pins lies about burning herself because all her photos of her are naked

it was my intention that ☀️ Was about Ariana but it ended up not being be

ronaldinho said I’m as good as him

emma Watson is a racist. she supports female rights but not black rights

justin Bieber self centered only cares about himself forgiving himself for his racism and not the people he hurt

shakira is “the forbidden fruit”

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